
seaholm development project
Seaholm offers a place to live, work, play, shop, eat and sleep on the shore of Lady Bird Lake, connected with a major intermodal transportation network and designed around a historic art-deco structure. The development will be the anchor of a new Seaholm District, forming the southwest quadrant of downtown. It will revitalize the area and serve as an economic catalyst for re-developing Austin-owned land at the Green Water Treatment plant site, as well as the two Austin Energy tracts that are adjacent to the property.This re-development fulfills the vision of the Seaholm District Master Plan and accomplishes several major City Council goals:
- • Rehabilitate the historic Seaholm building
- • Create a vibrant mixed-use development that anchors downtown
- • Plan for multi-modal transportation including pedestrian, bicycle and rail
- • Create a return on public investment in the form of new tax base
- • Complete the downtown street grid consistent with the master plan
- • Lady Bird Lake, at your front door
Nearby Seaholm
Seaholm offers a place to live, work, play, shop, eat and sleep on the shore of Lady Bird Lake, connected with a major intermodal transportation network and designed around a historic art-deco structure. The development will be the anchor of a new Seaholm District, forming the southwest quadrant of downtown. It will revitalize the area and serve as an economic catalyst for re-developing Austin-owned land at the Green Water Treatment plant site, as well as the two Austin Energy tracts that are adjacent to the property.By the numbers
Over 3,300 residential apartments and condominiums are located within a mile of Seaholm. Over 100 restaurants and nightlife destinations are located in and around Seaholm, not to mention the numerous retail establishments. Seaholm sits less than a mile from the Shoal Creek Greenbelt, which runs as far north as 38th Street and connects to the 10.1 mile Town Lake Trail. All said, the Shoal Creek Greenbelt and the Town Lake Trail account for approximately 14 miles of scenic trail in the heart of downtown Austin.
Surrounded by the best Austin has to offer
Located at the intersections of Cesar Chavez, West Avenue, 3rd Street, and Seaholm Drive, Seaholm resides in the heart of Austin's widely popular Central Business District. Boasting numerous popular restaurant and night life destinations, a wide range of retail, Whole Foods' flagship grocery, the highest concentration of downtown residential units and immediate access to Austin's downtown hike and bike trail network, Downtown Austin represents Austin's most complete mixed-use district where people can truly work, live and play.